Helena Muñoz Helena Muñoz

El Graduat. An English speaking optician (and optometrist) in Barcelona

In El Graduat òptica we have stablished strong ties with the expat community since we opened just before the Covid pandemic. It all started by chance, mainly because El Graduat is located in the heart of Gràcia, a neightborhood with an intense cosmopolitan life and dozens of coworking asociations full of expats and digital nomads. We are fluent in english wich help at first, then we quickly learnt to adapt to the agendas (full with travels, and meetings abroad) of our international neighbours. We managed to rush orders to fit their needs, and deliver in particular strict deadlines.

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Helena Muñoz Helena Muñoz

What do we talk about when we talk about acetate? Bob Sdrunk eyewear

It's time to choose some new glasses and the wide variety of frames stuns us. Maybe to make the choice easier we do some preliminary search on Google. What are the best materials? Why do I come across the word "acetate"? And why do the prices of acetate glasses vary so much?

Many glasses are made of acetate. But not all acetates are created equal. Let's start at the beginning.

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Helena Muñoz Helena Muñoz

Visual health and lockdowns

The lockdown and the pandemic have caused a series of physical and psychological sequelae, to which must be added the negative impact on visual health. Whether it's for online classes, telecommuting or video calls, we've mostly lived through computers, mobile phones, television and tablets. The hours in front of these devices have multiplied, many times in poorly lit rooms, in small spaces, with the view always concentrated and with less access to sunlight or the outside.

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