/ Get your eyesight checked (in english). It's free!
We opened El Graduat with a firm commitment: to offer free eyesight checks to anyone who needs them. We offer our experience to figure out the state of your visual health is and we will advise you, without any commitment, with various proposals to solve your eye problems,. Always taking into account your needs.
Here we present some of our ophthalmic solutions (both in spectacle lenses and contact lenses) that correct some of the most common visual health problems (which we also review below). Finally, we offer some tips on visual health in children.
Also we can do it fully in english, we are specialized in expats.
/ Optical solutions
As the name suggests, monofocal glasses have the same graduation throughout the lens. For this reason, monofocal lenses have a very specific purpose, whether to see better up close (presbyopia) or far away (myopia).
Occupational glasses are an ideal type of glasses to combat presbyopia, especially for people who work remotely or spend many hours in front of a computer. In this case, lenses are used that allow you to focus close at the bottom and at medium distance at the top.
Progressive glasses combine the lenses to see near and far away. They therefore have a progressive graduation. This is where its name comes from. In this way, the lower part of the lens is ready to see up close, the central part for intermediate vision and the upper part to see far away.
Zeiss digital lenses have been specially designed for use with electronic devices. The near field of view is specifically enhanced taking into account eye movements and the shorter reading distance required by these gadgets. This area of short distances coexists with the regular graduation, which makes them perfect glasses for regular use.
Non-prescription (or prescription) glasses with Blueprotect from Zeiss are specifically designed to block violet and blue light from LED lights or digital device screens. We can apply this treatment changing the lenses of any graduated or ungraded frame thanks to Zeiss.
Polarized sunglasses are basic sunglasses to which a sheet is added that filters the sun's rays that fall in a certain direction. This way, reflections are eliminated and allow better visibility.
At El Graduat we have a large selection of polarized sunglasses and our Zeiss partners allow us to change the lenses of any sun or prescription frames transforming them into polarized sunglasses in a few hours.
/ Contact lenses
We have a selection of high quality daily contact lenses. We also advise and help you put on contact lenses if you have never done it before.
We have a selection of high quality monthly contact lenses. Likewise, we advise you and help you apply contact lenses if you have never done it before.
RPGs are semi-rigid contact lenses that allow more tear between the lenses and the eye. These lenses make it possible to correct more complex corneal errors pathologies.

/ Zeiss
Our experience as optometrists places the German laboratory Zeiss a step above. No one can guarantee the clarity, definition, focus of your ophthalmic lenses and filters. The difference is obvious and immediate. Especially when a customer puts on the glasses for the first time: we have often hear the involuntarily “oh!” from the first time wearing the Zeiss lenses.
Zeiss was born in Jena, Germany, in 1846, and for more than 175 years has led the optical industry not only with ophthalmic lenses, but also with lenses for microscopes, telescopes, semiconductors, etc. They focus on production and research with equal intensity. An anecdote that proves this commitment is this image, one of the most celebrated photos in history: "Earthrise".
Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders photographed Earth from the surface of the Moon on December 24, 1968. This image provided an unusual view of our planet, a blue sphere that emerges in the blackness of space. Some academics place this photography as the beginning of the modern environmental movement.
A single photography can inspire so many people, it can literally change the world. And as you can imagine, Anders' camera lenses were Zeiss.
/ Visual Health
Presbyopia is the gradual loss of the eyes' ability to focus on near objects. It's a natural and sometimes annoying part of aging. In general, presbyopia begins to be noticed between the ages of 35 and 40 and continues to worsen until around the age of 65.
You may realize you have presbyopia when you start holding books and newspapers at arm's length so you can read them. Presbyopia can be confirmed by a basic eye exam. The disorder can be easily corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
Astigmatism is a common imperfection in the curvature of the eye that causes blurred near and far vision.
It happens when the front surface of the eye (cornea) or the lens inside the eye has uneven curves. Instead of having a curve like a round ball, the surface is egg-shaped. This causes blurred vision at all distances.
Astigmatism is usually present at birth and can happen in combination with myopia or hypermetropia
Myopia is a refraction problem that manifests itself when distant objects are perceived as blurred. It happens because the image is formed in front of the retina, either because the cornea, the lens, or both are very powerful, or because the eye is more oval than it would normally be.
In a emmetropic eye, light enters through the cornea, pupil, and lens and focusses directly on the retina at the back of the eyeball. Myopia, moreover, usually affects both eyes, although not necessarily to the same degree.
Farsightedness is a refractive error that causes nearby objects to appear blurry. It occurs when the shape of the eye causes light to focus behind the retina (a layer of light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) instead of directly onto the retina.
Dry eye is a disease that consists of the scarcity of tear quantity and/or the deterioration of its quality, which causes inflammation of the surface of the eye. It tends to be bilateral and is more common in women than in men, especially in the menopausal period.
/ Children and visual health